Georgetown signature dishes

*CNN Travel Malaysia’s Top 40 Foods

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Nyonya Acar Curry Fish

A Popular Nyonya Peranakan dish comprising fish curry in various spices and serve with fresh pickled vege Nyonya Acar to give a nice ‘oomph’ to the dish.

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Nasi Lemak Sambal Udang

A popular Nyonya Peranakan dish. Whole Prawns are sent swimming into a delicious pool of sambal chili paste with the addition of tamarind juice to give it a tangy kick.

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Nasi Lemak Ayam Percik

Ayam Percik, Local favourite staple food love by many Malaysian. It is barbecued chicken slathered in spicy chilli, garlic and ginger sauce mixed with coconut milk.

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Braised Rice with Broth

A simple but delicious recipe for rice top with chicken, prawn and vege and braised well in chicken stock.

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Nasi Lemak Nyonya Curry Chicken

Nasi Lemak, Malaysia’s national dish. Is traditionally a popular breakfast meal but these days people are ordering it anytime of the day. Nasi Lemak is rice cooked in coconut milk, flavoured with the fragrant pandan leaves. Served with sambal chilli ikan bilis, Nyonya curry chicken, half-boiled egg, roasted peanuts and acar-acar.

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Penang Hokkien Prawn Mee

Penang style spicy soup noodle dish, also known as Hokkien Mee. The soup broth is made by frying and cooking prawn shells with shallots and homemade chilli. Then garnished with hard-boiled egg, prawn, bean sprouts, kangkong, sliced fish cake and fried shallot to serve.

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Penang Assam Laksa

One of Malaysia’s most popular dishes is an addictive spicy-sour fish broth with noodles. This uniquely Malaysian dish promises a delightful gastronomic experience.

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Penang Char Koay Teow

Penang famous dish needs no introduction. The flat rice noodles are fried with dark and light soy sauce, chilli, de-shelled cockles, bean sprouts, chives, prawn and egg. The essential to the dish is good “wok hei” or breath of wok.

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Penang Mamak Mee

A famous Penang Indian Muslim dish. The yeltlow noodle is fried with light soy sauce,special mamak sauce, bean curd, egg, potatoes, squid, fried dough fritter topped with crushed roasted peanuts and a spread of sliced lettuce.

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Georgetown Sotong Kangkung

A local Penang dish delight. Is a combination of chewy sliced cuttlefish and fresh green kangkung, drizzled with traditional sweet and spicy sauce and a sprinkle of crushed peanuts on top.

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Penang Rojak

Rojak (mixture in Malay) is a fruit salad comprising an assortment of cucumber, turnip, pineapple, cuttlefish and green apple, drenched in a flavourful special rojak prawn paste and sprinkled with crushed roasted peanuts as a finishing touch.

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Penang Chicken Lor Bak

A Penang Nyonya specialty dish. Combination of minced chicken is marinated in five-spice powder, wrapped in soft dried bean curd sheets and deep-fried.


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